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Piney Ridge Kennels
Planned Litters

Note: an average litter is 3 pups.
Current Waiting List
Those on this list are asked to designate any color/gender combination they would consider and will only be notified if a puppy matching their choice becomes available. They are not obligated to take the next available pup. They may wait for a better match, maintaining their place in line. Therefore, the numbers in the totals row are not actual number of puppies reserved (i.e. if someone indicates no preference, the count for each of the color/gender columns is one for them. Once matched with a puppy, the number for each column will drop by one).
Each line represents 1 puppy reserved although multiple options may be represented.
A non-refundable deposit of $300 is required to be on this waiting list.
Piney Ridge Kennels reserves the right to retain any puppy at any time.
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